Faculty of Civil Law
Cập nhật lúc 22:42, 28/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction:

The Faculty of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law is among the first academic departments to be established since the establishment of the School of Law – Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

There are currently 06 permanent lecturers including 01 A/Prof., 03 PhDs, 02 Master’s graduate students who are pursuing a PhD degree, 03 PhD students who are completing academic programs abroad, and nearly 20 part-time lecturers and collaborators working at legal education and research institutions, central-level state agencies. All lecturers of the Faculty have deep expertise in legal science and are loved and highly regarded by many students. Most have rich practical knowledge from experience and learning from complex cases.

With long history of operation, the Faculty has been teaching and conducting scientific research on the main branches of private law, including Vietnamese civil law, civil procedure law, marriage and family law, intellectual property law, Roman law, law on enforcement of civil judgments, evidence in civil procedure.

The Faculty of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law has had leading academics of Vietnam in the field of private law such as A/Prof.Dr. Ngo Huy Cuong, A/Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Que Anh, Dr. Nguyen Bich Thao. The Faculty also has young lecturers who have studied abroad, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, dynamic, with affirmed reputation in Vietnam in both research and teaching of civil law, intellectual property law such as Dr. Nguyen Bich Thao, Dr. Do Giang Nam, Dr. Tran Kien. All permanent lecturers of the Faculty have undergone academic training and acquired professional knowledge abroad.

Regarding education activities, aside from subjects at the bachelor's level, the Faculty is currently in charge of the Master's degree program in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law. The Faculty is also currently initiating new projects to open a Master’s degree program in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law (Applied), and to reopen the PhD degree program in Civil Law.

Regarding scientific research achievements, lecturers of the Faculty have successfully defended dozens of scientific research projects at all levels, published hundreds of papers in specialized local and international journals. Many textbooks and monographs drafted by the Faculty’s lecturers are high quality publications in Vietnam and are widely used in teaching and research in many educational institutions such as the Civil Law Textbook, Civil Procedure Law Textbook, Contract Law Textbook (general part).

Some monographs drafted by the Faculty’s lecturers have been awarded by the VNU for being outstanding scientific research works.

Today, in the context of the international integration trend, protection of civil rights is determined as an urgent task of the State and the law. Aware of this significance, the Faculty of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law incessantly strives to improve professional knowledge and dives into problematic issues for research in order to improve the law in Vietnam.

2. Subjects:

Graduate programs

+ Civil law 1,2,3;

+ Civil procedure law;

+ Intellectual property law;

+ Inheritance law;

+ Vietnamese civil law 2;

+ Civil liability;

+ Intellectual property law;

+ Roman law;

+ Vietnamese marriage and family law;

+ Intellectual property and valuation of intellectual property;

+ Law on enforcement of civil judgments;

+ Vietnamese civil law 1,2;

+ Civil dispute resolution skills.

Graduate program:

Master’s degree program in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law:

+ Theory on source of civil law;

+ Inheritance law;

+ Property law;

+ Evidence and proof in civil procedure;

+ Theory on intellectual property rights;

+ General theory of obligations;

+ Property regime of husband and wife;

 3. Main research areas:

- Classical and modern theories on civil law, marriage and family law, civil procedural law, obligation law, property law, personal law.

- Good models, laws and practices in protecting civil rights, property rights, personal rights, protecting and promoting human rights, especially women's and children's rights.


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